
Warga hanya ingin akses jalan dari Mukok sampai kec. Jangkang Kab. Sanggau di perbaiki. Karena hanya inilah satu2nya jalan terdekat menuju kota sanggau. Sudah bertahun-tahun akses jalan ini rusak parah jika musim penghujan. 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
Personal note during lecture 1 semester Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Here i will write a note for a semester of this lecture at the University of Tanjungpura Pontianak. At the beginning of admission we undergo the name Student Orientation (Ospek), it's hard to go ospek that must come in the morning and come home night. As time went by the fear disappeared, i kept the spirit all because of the motivation of friends that i know and the motivation of both parents. Many experiences i just got During my college in this semester, first i can deeper study program that i take, second many friends, third i am more acquainted with the wider world that i did not know before.  Four improve experience, and many more. I am amazed by the lecturers, those who inspire me to be better. My study program is about social life, so there are many lessons i can take and apply directly to everyday life. Although the new lecture in the first semester, i have a lot of experience and valuable lessons that i
NAME                                     :           DEDEH WINARSIH NIM                                         :           F1261171025 THE STUDY PROGRAM      :           PENDIDIKAN IPS Week 7 Dialogue Script with peer             In a restaurant meeting two women who have not meet.  Then they talk about new experiences on campus. Dedeh :           Hey, Putri? Putri    :           Yes, Dedeh how are you? Dedeh :           I’m fine and you? Putri    :           I’m fine too. Dedeh :           Do yo want to order food? Putri    :           Yes, of course. Dedeh :           What are you order? Putri    :           I will order Chicken Steak, you want to order this too?      Dedeh :           Yes, i want to order Chicken Steak and Milo Bingso. Putri    :           I want to order first. They immediately searched for a seat.   Dedeh :           By the way, where are you college now? Putri    :           I college in Polytechnic, Majors Adminis
Week 6 FAVORITE TRAVELING EXPERIENCE Saturated with the activity that the same every day is definitely cause crumpled mind, bored and can cause stress.  In the moments of stress, we need to refreshing mind back.  Traveling is one of the way to be refreshing mind back. I wiil sharing inspiration and tips from my adventures, i hope this can be useful for the reader.  I think i choose traveling experience of my recent when i went to the beach Kijing in Mempawah.  The place is not too far from home to me, i lived in Batulayang approximately 1 hour journey.  A wave of and the wind make us more fresh and breathe more relief.  The atmosphere of its shores eliminate saturated.  Things that need to be prepared if you want to go to the beach:  First, healthy. Second,bring required items such as glass eyes, sunblock, a hat and most importantly the camera, definitely don’t want to miss a moment of this right.  Third, prepare food and beverage.  Five, budget the


Pesona Kulminasi Matahari (B. Indonesia) Kulminasi matahari adalah fenomena alam ketika matahari tepat berada di garis khatulistiwa.  Pada saat itu posisi matahari tepat berada diatas kepala sehingga semua bayangan benda – benda di permukaan bumi akan hilang dalam beberapa detik.  Bahkan telur pun bisa berdiri akibat dari gaya gravitasi yang sangat kuat. Peristiwa titik kulminasi matahari terjadi setahun dua kali, yaitu tanggal 21 – 23 Maret dan 21 – 23 September.  Tugu ini merupakan salah satu ikon wisata di kota Pontianak yang selalu di kunjungi wisatawan, baik wisatawan dalam negeri maupun wisatawan asing.  Dengan adanya fenomena unik seperti ini Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kota Pontianak sengaja memeriahkannya dengan mengadakan macam – macam kegiatan yang bisa menarik antusias masyarakat serta para wisatawan.  Seperti lomba menegakkan telur, guna mensosialisasikan bahwa Pontianak mempunyai potensi unik. (B. Inggris) Culmination of the sun The cul
Week 5 Best Friends     In this world, we can not live alone. We always need someone who can be calm in all situations, that is a friend. A friend is the right person to present a word of friendship.       Be thankful for great friends who have been given to us. Friendship is the most beautiful treasure that God gives you. When God sends a friend to be with us, it means that God does not want us to be alone in ourselves. Take care of the friendship and make it meaningful.       They are my best friends. My best friend came from a different city.  As Nira Kurnia Sari she from Kayong Utara, Putri Kiantan from Pontianak Utara, Puspawanti from Sambas and Sri Hartini from Singkawang.  Although we are just acquainted for a while but it feels family. We're friends at campus. What things i like and i don't like about them? About them is.  They always help me when i'm in distress.   When I'm sad they always tease me with his beh