
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2018
Personal note during lecture 1 semester Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Here i will write a note for a semester of this lecture at the University of Tanjungpura Pontianak. At the beginning of admission we undergo the name Student Orientation (Ospek), it's hard to go ospek that must come in the morning and come home night. As time went by the fear disappeared, i kept the spirit all because of the motivation of friends that i know and the motivation of both parents. Many experiences i just got During my college in this semester, first i can deeper study program that i take, second many friends, third i am more acquainted with the wider world that i did not know before.  Four improve experience, and many more. I am amazed by the lecturers, those who inspire me to be better. My study program is about social life, so there are many lessons i can take and apply directly to everyday life. Although the new lecture in the first semester, i have a lot of experience and valuable lessons that i